
our Deacons

The Role of Deacons

For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 3:13

Now, the deacon is the—is the custodian at the house of God. See? Now if you…He takes care of the house of God and keeps it in order. That’s what the Scripture says.

63-1226 - Church Order

133 Now, remember, the deacon is a policeman, and a deacon’s office is actually more strict than most any office in the church. I don’t know of an office any more stricter than the deacon’s office. That’s right, because he’s got a—he’s got a real job, and he’s God’s man. He’s God’s man just as much as the pastor is God’s man. Certainly, he is. He is God’s servant.
63-1226 - Church Order

Bro. Randolph Stewart

Tel: (289) 923-2807

Bro. Prak Beharry

Tel: (416) 227-1531

Bro. Gilbert Mulolo

Bro. Gideon Boodjarrat

Bro. Niyi Ojowa

Bro. Luther Samuel

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